This Channel 4 Dispatches documentary was aired earlier tonight and showed footage of a preacher making offensive remarks about Hindus and ranting: 'Disbelievers are the worst creatures'...... and that's just for starters.......
And....... of course....... the video has now been pulled from You Tube....... and it's still not available at 4oD/Dispatches either....... hmmm!
Here's what Channel 4 are saying about it.......
Dispatches: Lessons in Hate and Violence will not be available on 4oD at this time, due to an ongoing police investigation concerning subjects featured in the programme.
But this programme has already been transmitted on national television so surely the police, if they were carrying out any investigations, would have stopped the programme from being transmitted until those investigations were concluded. Unless the police only realised that they wanted to investigate having seen the programme either on television or, more likely when it started receiving a lot of attention online!
Ah, right....... I see....... this is going to be one of those investigations that never ends, methinks - can't have us showing any MooseLimb fanatics in a bad light, no siree, no way, no how! To paraphrase Fawlty Towers,they showed it once but they think they got away with it!
Well, I still have the programme on hard disc so I'll be doing a spot of transferring, editing and uploading to Eye Tube and then I'll be re-posting the video(s) here again, and they can stick their censorship where the sun don't shine!